
- Zanshin(God Slash)
- Parries the opponent's attack, and retaliates immediately.
It is possible to use a special attack while retaliating.
Over Drive
- Kishin(Demon God)
- Increases the rate of regeneration of the magatama gauge.
Also enables the use of special attacks during a retaliation.
- Empty Sky Forbidden Form: Heavenfall
- During OD, A+B+C+D
Technical type
Gurren(Crimson) |
↓↙←+A(Uses 1 magatama) |
Kishuu(Demonic Leg) |
→↓↘+A(Uses 1 magatama) |
▷ Enma(Hades) |
A during Kishuu(Demon Leg) |
Renka(Lotus) |
↓↘→+B(Uses 2 magatama) |
Zantetsu(Steel Slash) |
←↙↓↘→+C(Uses 3 magatama) |
Agito |
↓↙←+A in midair(Uses 1 magatama) |
Hotaru(Firefly) |
↓↙←+B in midair(Uses 2 magatama) |
Tsubaki |
↓↙←+C in midair(Uses 3 magatama) |
Yanagi(Willow) |
↓↙←+D(Uses 2 magatama) |
Distortion Drive
Kokuujin: Shippu(Empty Sky Form: Summer's Advance) |
→↘↓↙←→+C(delayable)(Uses 4 magatama) |
Kokuujin: Yukikaze(Empty Sky Form: Winter's Riposte) |
↓↘→↓↘→+D(Uses 4 magatama) |
Kokuujin Ougi: Mugen(Light of Judgment) |
↓↙←↓↙←+B(Uses 8 magatama) |
Astral Heat
Kokuujin Ougi: Akumetsu(Judgment of the Sword) |
↓ charge ↑+D(Uses 8 magatama) |
Stylish type
Gurren(Crimson) |
SP |
Renka(Lotus) |
→+SP |
Zantetsu(Steel Slash) |
↓+SP |
Agito |
SP in midair |
Hotaru(Firefly) |
→+SP in midair |
Tsubaki |
↓+SP in midair |
Distortion Drive
Kokuujin: Shippu(Empty Sky Form: Summer's Advance) |
←+SP |
* The command table of each character can also be confirmed from the pause menu → command list.
*These button controls are applicable during handheld mode.