Kagura Mutsuki

- Black Gale
- Transitions into his stance.
While in stance, pressing A, B or C will unleash a specific attack.
Further, while in a stance, or during a stance-attack, every other stance can be used during the string.
Over Drive
- Infinite Coupling
- Eliminates the maximum amount of time on his stance.
As long as the same stance isn't used consecutively, switching stances can be done indefinitely.
- Dark Flame of the Bellowing Dragon
- During OD A+B+C+D
Technical type
D |
D(midair also) |
▷ Dragon Blast |
A during D |
▷ Dragon's Claw |
B during D |
▷ Dragon Slaughter |
C during D |
↓D |
↓D(midair also) |
▷ Dragon Strike |
A during ↓D |
▷ Dragon's Blade |
B during ↓D |
▷ Dragon's Dual Strike |
C during ↓D |
→D |
→D(midair also) |
▷ Dragon's Fang |
A during →D |
▷ Dragon's Mirage |
B during →D |
▷ Sky Dragon's Strike |
C during →D |
▷ Release |
←+D during any type of D stance(midair also) |
Dragon Spirit |
Charge ← then →+A or B |
Dragon's Ascent |
Charge ↓ ↑+B or C |
Dragon's Dance |
In midair or during Dragon's Ascethen D;+C |
Distortion Drive
Supreme Dragon's Inferno |
←タメ↙↓↘→+C |
The Dragon Lord's Striking Fang |
↓↑+D during D stances(midair also) |
Astral Heat
Black Dragon's Sky-Rending Blade |
↓↘→↓↘→+C |
Stylish type
Dragon Spirit |
→ or ↓+SP |
Dragon's Ascent |
SP |
Dragon's Dance |
In midair or during Dragon's Ascent, SP |
Distortion Drive
Supreme Dragon's Inferno |
←+SP |
* The command table of each character can also be confirmed from the pause menu → command list.
*These button controls are applicable during handheld mode.